With us through the forest of regulations
The Metrans authorisation service is a full service for the smooth handling of oversized and heavy goods transports in Italy, including the service of transport escorts.
Length over 16.50 m tractor unit and semi-trailer
Width over 2.55 m (2.60 m for refrigerated trailers)
Height over 4.00 m
Total weight over 44.00 tonnes for vehicle combinations with 5 axles & more
The single journey permit is only valid for a single journey in one direction within a certain period of time.
Validity: 3 months.
Possible: for 5 tractor units with 5 trailers.
Valid for a certain number of journeys within a certain period of time. They are only granted if the type, size and weight of the transported freight and the predetermined transport route are always the same.
Validity: 6 months.
Possible: for 5 tractor units with 5 trailers.
Valid for an unlimited number of journeys in a fixed period, max. 12 months, renewable and feasible with motor vehicles not classified as special transport. Consequently, a maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 39 tonnes must be entered in the Scheda tecnica and in the registration certificate/vehicle licence in fields F1 and F2. A permanent authorisation is only possible in Italy for the transport of one undivided load with excess dimensions (not excess weight).
ATTENTION: A permanent authorisation is not possible for overweight loads.
There is a specific regulation for construction machinery only.
Validity: 12 months.
Possible: for 1 tractor unit with 5 identical trailers.
Here are the permitted dimensions:
M: 20.00 x 3.00 x 4.30 | Weight: 44.00 tonnes
M: 25.00 x 2.55 x 4.30 | weight: 44.00 tonnes
A. Single authorisations: 3 months = extendable
B. Multiple authorisations: 6 months = extendable
C. Permanent licences: 12 months = extendable
Like Italian transport companies, foreign companiesmust also submit an application to the Italian authorities (Motorisation Office) with the vehicles to be used to carry out special transportsand be approved.
Companies must register before submitting applications to the motorway operating companies.
The motorway network in Italy extends over 8000 km and is managed by 30 separate operating companies, each of which is responsible for issuing permits according to its route competence and also charges fees and tolls.
Outside the motorway network, the respective provinces or regions and the state road company Anas are responsible for the road network (a total of 124 offices for 162,950.00 km), each of which in turn issues a permit and charges fees.
Inderactive map (click on map) of the Italian railway network with a selection of the 30 operators
Extracts from the applicant’s chamber of commerce
Identity cards of the persons responsible for the applicant company
Indication of the VAT number (DE, AT, HU, etc.)
Copies of vehicle documents/registrations/vehicle licence (officially certified | translation into Italian is required for non-EU-compliant vehicle documents | copy of the last general inspection)
Original Scheda tecnica and its translation into Italian for each vehicle/licence plate (SZM+SAL)
Sketch of the vehicle including details of the load, axle loads and distances
Declaration of weights and dimensions issued by the consignor/client/consignee
Authorisation to submit the applications on company paper, signed by the legal representative with notarised signature by a notary or authority
Liability insurance declaration:
– With indication that the cover is also valid for special transports in Italy.
– With list of licence plates.
– With indication of the period of validity with date.
Please note that the minimum insurance cover must be => € 12,000,000.00.
The METRANS authorisation service applies for and manages the due date of the “Scheda tecnica”.
This important document must be enclosed with every application for a special permit for heavy and oversized transports as well as special transports in Italy.
Vehicles with non-Italian licence plates must present a so-called “Scheda tecnica”, a technical data sheet, in order to be able to apply for the necessary exemption permit to carry out heavy goods transport, large volume transport and special transport in Italy.
The technical certificate, which must be issued by the vehicle manufacturer, is usually relatively straightforward to obtain, but it is nevertheless advisable to enquire with the manufacturers concerned (MAN, Mercedes, DAF, Iveco, Goldhofer, Schwarzmüller etc.) in good time and to allow sufficient time.
Technical certificates must have an original signature from the authorised signatory of the vehicle manufacturer. If the signature has not yet been registered with the Italian Ministry of Transport (most vehicle manufacturers who sell their vehicles in Italy have already done this), the signature must be notarised.
Example of a Scheda Tecnica: Fac. simile Scheda Tecnica (technical document)
The duration or waiting time for obtaining a special permit depends on the NUMBER OF AFFECTED OFFICES on the route to be travelled, as well as on the complexity of the transport or even on the availability of the authorities’ staff (holiday periods and public holidays often have an influence on the waiting time).
In principle, you can expect it to take around 3-4 working weeks, always assuming that all the necessary documents for submitting the application are available.
It should be noted that the waiting times at the offices of the regions and provinces are longer than at the motorway operators .
The price of a special transport permit in Italy can only be calculated on the basis of a specific route, point of departure and destination .
It should also be emphasised that the Italian motorway network extends over 8000 km and is managed by 30 different motorway companies, each ofwhich can charge handling fees and tolls for their route and also impose restrictions.
Outside the motorway network, the respective provinces or regions and the state road company ANAS are responsible for the road network, each of which in turn has to issue a permit and charge fees.
Please note: In the case of OVERWEIGHT, a heavy goods vehicle charge is levied by all the authorities involved.
Special gates (PORTE SPECIALI) are provided at the toll gates for the passage of special transports, in particular oversized transports.
You must register with the staff at the toll gates before passing through.
The individual journeys of special transports must be registered by the driver with the respective motorway operating companies by telematics 48 hours in advance and by telephone shortly before entering the route.
We provide ourcustomers with the service numbers of the relevant motorway radio centre (Sala Radio) for those motorway sections via our portal.

When using a permanent authorisation, the tolls are recorded, and therefore paid subsequently, using a TRANSIT CERTIFICATE, which must be filled in by the driver at the first motorway gate on the route of a new operator and stamped there.
At the last exit gate of the operator, on the other hand, the TRANSIT CERTIFICATE is taken for subsequent billing.
The same procedure must be repeated with a new TRANSIT CERTIFICATE to enter and exit the route of the next operating company.
It should be noted that the Telepass device in the lorry must be switched off when recording tolls via the TRANSIT CERTIFICATE in order to avoid double charging of tolls.
TMMs (VLM) can also be prescribed by the authorities after the permit has been obtained, even at short notice before the journey, if there are obstacles such as roadworks etc. on the motorway section to be travelled that require additional permits or conditions from escorts. The costs incurred are to be regarded as additional.
A copy of the exemption authorisation according to § 70 Stvzo for motor vehicles with an officially certified translation in Italian is required in Italy for the application.
Paragraph 70 StVZO does not authorise driving.
The vehicles used for large-capacity and heavy goods transport must drive with their lights and hazard warning lights switched on. In addition, they must be fitted with the fittings and lights appropriate to the respective large-capacity and heavy goods vehicles.
Exceptional transport, 600 x 150 mm

Front and rear signage white/red reflective to emphasise the contours of the outer mass of the special transport.

LED flashing 12V stroboscopic

A load is indivisible if its dismantling is impossible for technical reasons or would cause unreasonable costs.
Below are the general motorway driving bans for 2024 for heavy goods vehicles and special transports in Italy (excluding the A22 Brenner motorway).

Below is the published driving ban calendar on the A22 Brenner motorway valid until 03/2025

METRANSPLUS, the new geo-information portal and online platform, has been developed exclusively for oversized and heavy goods transport in Italy to facilitate the organisation and execution of special transports in Italy with innovative digital solutions.
Visit the portal below:
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Metrans LLC
VAT N. IT00463140210
© 2025 Metrans LLC.